John Potess

33: The Year of Leveling Up

I turned 33 a few weeks ago. As they say, turning 33 isn't just another birthday; it's a wake-up call to grab life by the horns, reach for the stars, and YOLO your way through the universe. So crack open that world-oyster, take a leap of faith, and ride that wave straight into the sunset, shooting from both barrels into that yeehaw oblivion! ... As they say.

Following the wise words of the sages of old, I decided it was time for a change. An epic change, one of massive proportions. This would be the year of leveling up. The year I'd look back on as "the year it all came together."

The Journey So Far

The last half of my thirty-second year was epic. I ran a half marathon in Bangkok, caravanned from Sydney to Cairns in record time, sleeping in a transformed campervan, and hung out with wallabies and koalas down under. I dove in the Great Barrier Reef, freedived in Whitsundays, and sailed from Australia to Vietnam to China to the US in the Clipper Round The World Race.

On the way to Vietnam, we survived a near miss with "pirates" (technically i'm not allowed to call them pirates since we weren't boarded) off the coast of the Solomon Islands, squalls, and nausea-inducing blistering heat on the deck of a 70-foot racing clipper yacht.

We sailed into one of the natural wonders of the world, Ha Long Bay, enjoying the coastal city before heading to Hanoi and then night bussing it to the northern mountains of Vietnam.

There, I, along with four others, motorcycled through the treacherous Ha Giang Loop known for it's extreme high-risk drop offst (I had a minor crash - luckily not off the side of the mountain - but I survived, if you hadn't guessed). We rode almost 400km in four days through icy, rainy peaks, often unable to see ten feet in front of our bikes.

We then sailed to Zhuhai, where I explored Macau with it's gritty, multi-faceted culture and Hong Kong—the vertical city of contrasts—enjoying incredible food and cultural differences.

This was followed by a ten-day race to Qingdao, the city of beer, where we won our first first-place in the Clipper Race amidst intense waves and storms, near-misses with snapped halyards, and an unimaginable welcome.

All of this before setting out to cross the mighty Pacific, with its massive swells, fierce storms, and endless ocean. After 28 days of near misses and legitimate, primal fear, we reached Seattle, where I was reunited with my homeland and family after two years.

Moving Forward with Determination

So yeah, I'm coming off the high of experiencing a lot in the last six months. And you know what? I'm ready for more. I know what I'm capable of, and that when I put my mind to something, I can push through, endure, and succeed. These experiences have fueled my desire to keep pushing the envelope and continue exploring new horizons.

That's why this year, my 33rd year on this earth, I've dedicated myself to making consistent, focused, and structured gains in the areas I want to progress in. I've outlined clear goals in the areas I want to make progress, and I've set out to learn efficiently, gather the right tools, and structure my plans into measurable and synergistic focuses.

I am determined and believe that I will reach my goals—it is inevitable.

Embracing Resilience and Preparation

That’s not to say it will always be easy. But if there's anything I've learned over the last year, it's that I am resilient. I know the importance of preparation and being ready to seize opportunities when they arise.

For example, I'm honing my skills in engineering and AI to position myself to capitalize on future opportunities in these areas as I grow and build products as a solopreneur and lead engineer. I also understand the value of consistent progress.

By aligning my inner and outer life, I believe I can achieve and experience more than ever before.

A Foundation of Health and Well-being

A core element of this coming year is maintaining my health and fitness—not just as a side goal, but as a foundation for everything else. A strong, healthy body supports a resilient mind, which in turn fuels creativity, growth, and efficient learning.

This year, I’m focusing on holistic well-being and how it integrates with and supports my individual, time-based goals. I've committed to daily practices that include exercise, meditation, and a balanced diet to ensure I'm in peak condition to tackle whatever comes my way. (That and I'm pumped up to train for my first full marathon this year)

Engaging with the Community

I'm also looking forward to connecting with others who are on similar paths. Sharing experiences and insights can be incredibly motivating and enriching. If you're on a similar journey or just starting out, I'd love to hear from you. Let's connect and inspire each other to reach new heights.